Drew Lock to return to field after recovering from COVID-19

Last updated August 22, 2022

Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll announced Sunday that Drew Lock would soon return to the field. Previously, Lock tested positive for COVID-19.

Lock was scheduled to join the squad and start the second game against the Chicago Bears last Thursday. He took part in first-team training on Tuesday. At the end of the practice, he said he was not feeling well. The player then took a COVID-19 test.

Lock took five days to recover from COVID-19. Carroll said Lock was ready to play again.

"He did OK today," Carroll said. "He seemed to bounce back. He's six or seven days into it now, so he's in good shape as far as getting back. But you never know until you get out there and start running around. He hung in there tough, so it was good. "

Carroll did not reveal who will serve as the starting quarterback next Friday against the Dallas Cowboys. However, he hinted he wanted Lock to do so.

"So I still need to see him play, and I need to see him fit in with our guys and all of that. He's done really well until now. That opportunity was going to be a big one," he said.

Smith vs. Lock

Following Russell Wilson's move to the Denver Broncos in the offseason, Lock has been competing with Smith for the starting quarterback's job.

Carroll said he still considered Geno Smith the first choice for the game against the Cowboys. In Lock's absence last week, Smith missed an opportunity to extend the lead against Chicago, going 10-of-18 for 112 yards on seven scoreless drives in the first half.

With Lock having recovered and ready for his next match against the Cowboys, Carroll said he planned to prepare layers of strength to maintain the rhythm.

"Geno's done a good job. Geno needs a little more help from some guys. Guys need to catch the football for him a little bit better. But he's handled it well," Caroll said.

"Drew's had three drives. He had two touchdown drives. So he's put some stuff on the résumé out there, so we'll see what happens this week... The plan has been adjusted. I'll talk to you more about it later in the week."

The match against the Cowboys will not be the last opportunity for the Seahawks to determine the starter in the official competition. It is not feasible for Carroll to decide on a starter with just three pre-season games. However, with the lack of a schedule to map the potential of individuals in the squad, Carroll needs to maximize the opportunity.

"I'm going to take the time it takes to figure it out and make sure that we have all the information that we need," Carroll said. "I've got to wait and see what happens in this game.

Lock's return to the preparatory training agenda is good news for Carroll. He said the training showed significant results in preparing his team thoroughly.

"And we do have really, really good weeks of practice coming up. This is a great one. Next week is a great one. And the one after that is a great one, so we'll use all of that if we need it," Caroll continued.

Gus Anderson
Gus Anderson is a gambling wizard. As a kid he dreamt about becoming a Tennis, Hockey and Golf professional but ended up as a gambling professional with focus on both sports & casino.